
Chris Tatrn is a multidisciplinary artist and designer living and working in Nashville, TN. Growing up near Pittsburgh, PA, Chris was a passionate student of art and design since early childhood. He attended The Art Institute of Pittsburgh, graduating with an Associate Degree in Visual Communications, and then went to Indiana University of PA, graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Art/Studio degree, majoring in Graphic Design. Chris has worked with agencies including Blattner Brunner, now Brunner, and Pinkhaus Design. In 2002 Chris decided to move west and landed in Denver for a few years, first freelancing with The Integer Group, then working with Visual Image Solutions. Chris went on to work for Current Inc. in Colorado Springs for 9 years, and has recently relocated to Nashville, TN. Currently, Chris is working for CSS Industries, Inc..

When not designing, Chris spends most of his time reading and studying about art and design. He'll always be a student. He also plays guitar, loves to hike with his two dogs, Rodeo, and Mojito, and enjoys life in the music city with his wife. Thanks for taking the time to get to know a little about Chris.

Favorite Design Quotes

If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.

Design Army

You have to believe in yourself in an almost crazy way. You have to make something from nothing over and over again. And you have to be delusional enough to think that your ideas are valuable...

Rebecca Rebouché